Day by days go by

These days they don’t stop commin’

Like I’m always runnin’

Got to catch that horizion as it fades away

With only so many more number out as it plays

We keep lookin’ as we’re bookin’ it into the next wave

We say we’ll do it tomorrow, but tomorrow is yesterday


This time piece is tickin’ as the sands start tricklin’ through that hour glass

One hour less it’s now past  they go by oh so fast

We only want what comes next and what is best, but we look to the west

That day is dawning now we’re all in

Night time’s callin’  shooting stars that cross our hearts shall guide our fate

We know the way

And just now we stop and say take it day by day

 and night by night we stay and fight for what we want

the path we lead seems like there’s no speed until we look back in retrospect

it was seconds that seem to fly and we take it day by days go by


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