Logic and Toilet Paper : Warning cuss words

  There are some things I just can’t comprehend regarding the internet. We all know this is a big wide world, and just about every possible conceivable idea, someone vaguely has, is available somewhere on the world wide web.

There are two things that continously plague my computer screen; It seems people are obsessed with… or at least the sites I frequent  are, the direction toilet paper should face
And the other is HOW SPONGE BOB ISN’T LOGICAL. Okay we’re talking about a (crappy) kids cartoon where a SPONGE lives in a PINEAPPLE at the bottom of the sea. People are actually questioning the logic on this show… like Trees with oxygen masks, never mind they need CO2, but it’s growing in the sand under water. People are actually complaining about how it’s not right... you know because fire underwater is not logical. At least the little mermaid asked, “What is fire and why does it… what’s the word… BUUUURN”
Yeah I went there

It is a cartoon. There is barely any real logic in live television shows (says the chick that watch K-Dramas more than anything else) let alone in a cartoon with a special needs starfish and a money grubbing crab with a whale for a daughter. I know way more about that show than I should.
 Especially considering my loathing for it.
I'm done

Okay so back to the TP issue, because after discussing that $#!* it only seem appropriate. This is the right way, no that is no this is the right way to roll YOUR TOILET PAPER. 

Seriously people if this is really an issue you are having, if this is your crisis 1. either you don’t have enough real life experience to realize that this just doesn’t F’in’ matter… or 2. your problems are so big (and I mean Enron here) that you have to focus on what direction your and everyone else' toilet paper is facing to take your mind off your impending incarceration or possible loss of an important limb.

Here’s the answer to that problem: Whoever puts the roll on holder, is putting it on the correct way. Why is that the correct answer, because if you cared that much, you would do it yourself and not leave it sitting on the back of the toilet. 
Go do something useful with it, be creative and quit whining about this way or that.
Do I have these rolled the right way. Too late now.


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