The end is... Oh here~

The end of the semester means we can.... oh bye everyone.

The end of the semester is upon us all… or as I’ve heard it referred to, “hell week.”  My roommate  
has slept less than 4 hours over the span of 2 days in order to study, I know this because I could hear her, and see the suffering on her pretty face. She’s not alone. Everyone is suffering.
I have heard several people say this about someone they know

 I listen to my friends tell me about how their teacher has unrealistic expectations of them, (memorize 80 slides) which shows the difference between the learning styles in the US and here in Korea, yes there are teachers like this in the US, but I see it in a different dynamic here. 
Here rote memorization is the norm, even when it really should not be. 
I am grateful for my Korean teacher and the way she actually teaches us via acquisition education. Not all students learning Korean have this opportunity. My most frustrating issue this semester (after the registration issue) was the lack of comprehension in regards to two of my teachers as well as miscommunication. One was is simply a bad teacher, and most of us couldn't make heads or tales of what he was talking about,
we mostly sat around looking like this.
*Today I had to go to the office and discuss his inability to understand his own course title and that what he was teaching was a complete misfit for his class syllabus, which wasn't exactly what he followed. I also mentioned to them that he didn’t understand that his inability to speak English correctly was affecting students who spoke English as a second language.  I even talked with him directly and tried to kindly explain what this situation was-
He simply didn't seem to grasp the concept that he could be wrong. The sad thing was, he was so enthusiastic about it. He couldn't understand how we weren't enjoying his class fully.He also didn’t comprehend how misuse of the English language severely hindered his lessons.*

End of rant

 The other teacher turned out to be very sweet and I even got to write a fun K-Drama paper. 
I will admit to being sad leaving the last class of my English speaking cultures class, as it was very fun to go to. The teacher was engaging and it was just a great class. (I saw one of the students today, and I got sad again)
However the jokes the teacher and I often had (as native English speakers) didn’t always land.
 But it was my favorite class and I am really happy I got put into it. 

 I am ready for my short break before I recommence my language learning. I am already missing my Korean classes. I had my final on Monday (today is Wednesday) and as I told the teacher goodbye I placed a hand lotion on her podium, said thank you and ran out the door

I am making plans for the break, my friend and I want to go to Jeju-do, it’s cheap and a great photo op, so I am excited. I am looking forward to the Korean classes that begin after the new year. 4 hours a day intense Korean! This should be interesting. 

I wish my health would have cooperated better, I missed out on an amazing work opportunity. I had so much I wanted to do~ Maybe there is a reason for it, but for now I am happy for the time I have here.


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