Where will you be at 90?

Where will you be when you are 90? We were asked this question in Psychology (class) today. One guy answered that he will be as mean as possible and yell at people, someone else said that wanted to watch their great grandchildren play.

I, however, said I would probably be alone, have Alzheimer’s, and will sing all the time (because I do that already).
 If I do manage to have my faculties about me, I want to be like Betty White. She is TOO awesome.

Many of my friends and I have discussed finding a nursing home together, so that we can happily be senile together and, knowing our personalities, screw with the staff. I know that if I was close to my friends I would be happier and healthier. It's just common sense.

Several people said that they didn’t want to be alive at 90, but in all honestly, with our ever changing and progressing medical care 90 may be worth looking forward to.
Hobbies are good too!

I know the brain slows and physically we deteriorate, our bodies no longer work how they once did, but couldn’t there be a positive? Something that helps the greater mankind, you may become someone revered and cherished or at least more interesting.

Staying active with games is important and will help you physically and mentally.

 And good supportive friends are always good to have around you.

My biggest fear is my hip. I’m double jointed, and I can see my hip popping out every other day. At the very least it should make for an interesting gait.


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