I’m just bein’ honest here~

The 2nd time (I can’t believe
I get to say, the 2nd time) I went to Korea I had medical issues
that… blew up, so no time to wallow in self pity when you have the great chance
to publicly embarrass yourself internationally! But overall, I enjoyed most of
it. I liked MOST of my teachers (I’m bein’ honest here) and I got a lot of
exercise on the stairs on the subway stairs.
When I
got back home, bad food habits, and toxic experiences made Kodee a sad human.
did NOT know how to deal with life for a while (even now my sentence is a
complete disassociation

The reverse culture shock was rough. I felt better after talking with a friend of mine who’d just returned from Japan, and was experiencing it too. We talked about it in our class, but since I never had culture shock, I guess I should have expected the reverse to be twice as bad?
My anxieties began to manifest themselves in unhealthy ways, and I learned I really need to STOP looking at the news and political posts, because- well apparently, I’m a little passionate about things sometimes…I….i...
I need to be honest with myself too here.
Things got rough, I retook a class TWICE! It was … let’s
just say I know a lot about research methodology now. I’m grateful to my
Quizzy who’d listen to me whine, and back me up. I’m so thankful that she let
me drive her crazy with my constant need for “Tell me I’m not crazy.”
We both knew
I be cray cray, but she’s a good friend and held my hand when I needed a grown
up… but she’s younger... so I’m not sure HOW that works... maybe like time/space
continuums- Doctor Who reference.
I did eventually make it out the other side. For once that
light at the end of the tunnel was NOT an oncoming train. I took TESOL classes
and got certified.
but I finished it on Christmas Day
(yeah, I spoil myself).
(yeah, I spoil myself).
So, I did
that and graduated college- still waiting for my diploma in the mail- I didn’t
go to commencement. I know that’s supposed to be like some big thing, but I
felt like… I just wanted to be done. I don’t like mornings anyway, and I didn’t
wanna pay for the … yadda yadda yadda- I had a million reasons I didn’t want to
go up to the college, and honestly, I don’t regret it. I also haven’t wanted/liked
pictures of myself lately, I’ve felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, and maybe
that’s finally shedding some, but I really feel like I’ve ignored myself for so
long I have to fix my chipping nails, my break outs, the fact I’m beginning to
look a lot like a prime Barnum & Baily’s employee
I'm not 100% lazy in the post graduate haze. I have a couple jobs, respite care provider and DJ, I’ve
been working both jobs for over 5 years, and I genuinely love my jobs. Somedays
more than others, but I enjoy my jobs. I’ve had some down time to re-up, and just enough time to
let me go stir crazy. It’s looking like I’ll have some more opportunities to
save up and eventually apply to teach in South Korea. GOALS! <3
Would this be a good time to throw in weight management??
Nah… I'll start that tomorrow~
Edit: Maybe
Edit: Maybe
Maybe I should write,
Maybe if I write about what’s on my mind I can sleep
Maybe if I write about it, it will stop bothering me and I
can sleep
Maybe if I sleep I
can stay asleep for more than a few hours.
Maybe if I sleep I can wake up in a good mood
Maybe if I’m in a good mood I can get more work done
Maybe if I get more work done I’ll feel like I accomplished
Maybe if I feel like I accomplished something I’ll feel
Maybe if I feel better I’ll actually start writing again…
…because we all have those days.
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