How to feel like a movie star is Seoul

How to feel like a movie star is Seoul

Step 1. Go to Eulijiro station 4. This is where we rented ours * One day Hanbok
Step 2. Find the hanbok shop & rent said hanbok
Step 3. Get a Taxi (trust me)
Step 4. Go to the Gyungbukgoong (palace) where you will get free entry

On October 31st (my favorite day of the year) 3 friends and I did this during the afternoon. We went the station and looked at all the pretty options. However, I have a rather large chest (which shocked the lady dressing me) so my options were a bit more limited. At first she put this bright lime green Jeogori (top part) I hated the color. She eventually took it off and put me in a pretty flowered red top I grew to like.  My friends picked beautiful colors that looked simply stunning on them. BR Had beautiful fall colors of forest green and mauve, SA had patriotic blue and red and AM had bright pink and yellow.

Simply walking out of the subway we were told how pretty we were 3 times. As we arrived to the palace we hadn’t even made it in the gate and three groups of people asked to take photos of us. 
Once through the gate we saw even more girls in hanbok. 

We had fun wandering the grounds and people willingly took pictures for us.

This was so much fun!

We had fun taking photos and haunting the grounds where kings and ladies of the court lived before this country was tainted by the western world. 

leaving the palace was almost surreal we stood out in another way.
 Being here, I am used to being stared at and having people look at me. BR commented that because I was with them we seemed to be getting stared at a bit more than normal and it was something a bit different for them. They obviously blended in much better than I. There was even a photographer taking a picture of us (I got a photo of him). However there was still that sense that we stepped out of a time machine once we were out of the palace.  


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