Worst case scenario : Me

I have come to the conclusion I am the worst case scenario.  
Everything that could go wrong, has gone wrong. 
-Bag got lost, (airlines fault)
-Other bag was in the trunk of a car an hour away (had my clothes)
-For the first 4 days I didn't have any of the things I needed (yes I have them now
I was so embarrassed by how I looked I wouldn't leave my room- then after that I got sick, and leaving just wasn't good. 
I was living in a (nice) place, but it wasn't meant for long term, and once I had my stuff there was nowhere to put it. I will say I am very grateful for the current storage in my nice new hidey hole. When I was looking for a place my options went from bad to worse. One of the directors at the Uni here wanted to move me closer, because I've been very ill (to the point I have cut my time in half and we have even considered my returning home.) A room opened up at the campus dorm and they said could get me in, at first I thought this would be better. When they said, "There is no refrigerator, I hope that's not a problem." Well I hadn't had one yet..... what he didn't say was - no bathroom, no room, not a real place to live!  "It is better, right?" He asked proudly - "NO".... I shook my head and backed away like it was evil. It was half the size of the bathroom I had back home. It was almost as bad as the first goshiwon I saw, this one just had a window. The first place was actually smaller than this!
I did NOT want to share a bathroom. This was still better than some of the other places I looked at, but I wasn't going to leave the hostel for a room 1/4 the size and no bathroom. Another place had a private bathroom, but no mattress. I said I would buy one....
The door is open all the way
but there was no room to put it. I couldn't even put my arms all the way out- and I'm short! The door is open all the way. They wanted me to stay there 6 months. I just couldn't do it.

The current frustration has to be the issues I've had with registration and now finding class rooms. 
I couldn't find the building for my first class. 
I had to go to the international office because they list the buildings in 3 different ways, and it really doesn't make sense and many of us get confused. 
Any way by the time I found my building class had begun 15 minutes before, so I stood outside waiting for it to end. Class 2 for the day I wrote down wrong... or something I about walked into a class .... and....
ALL IN KOREAN Definitely NOT what I was taking.I'm here to learn, but I am not fluent.
At least I know where class 3 is, but I feel so stupid being in there, because it is stuff I know, but I wanted to start from the bottom, so I must empty my cup and learn from the beginning. 

The health stuff... oh I've learned the joy of the Korean hospitals (yes more than 1) 
I won't go into much detail, but they're talking surgery.  
Nothing is better than describing very embarrassing details to your doctor while some poor girl had to translate.

When I say I am the worst case scenario -I'm not kidding! However  I can and do laugh about it. There is something funny about how much I've wanted to come here only to have everything be so difficult once I got here.
On the upside  ( yes, there is good news ) I like where I am living, I like my flatmates
This is us on any given night
and I am beginning to relax some.  I'm learning where I can go grocery shopping and learning the area around my university. I'm still getting blisters like crazy, but I think it comes with the territory.  
I am hoping by next week everything will be worked out and things will calm down a bit. I still LOVE this country, that hasn't changed.  I am happy when I get to meet with my friends. It really does give me some peace of mind. 

My success rate is shown here~
This truly has been a series of unfortunate events- They have this thing here for exchange students "Is your attitude worth catching?"  
Honestly I'm in a good mood for the most part, I am just frustrated with everything going wrong- I want to go out and have fun...  but my attitude about most of my experience so far is "Get your S#!t together." As foreign students it is already very difficult for us here, I really think they need to make registration easier on (all of) us. Other than that. I am hoping for a good experience, because it hasn't really been one so far. 


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