Barely made it
How are you today?
Just yell it at your monitor.
It was beautiful today. The weather was nice, I had
coffee with friends in one of our favorite café's oh and I found out I passed
my math class. . . . .
It’s been an odd semester with no on campus classes.
had no structure for my work and began going crazy thinking “This is DUE”
I also spent WAAYY too much time in my bed doing homework. I wasn’t working out enough, and gained some weight back.

The morning of the final I woke up ready.
Going into my math final! I did my best to have a good attitude
going in. I had hope. I could maybe pass.
After all I ‘studied.’
I was ushered into a small cell room with a nice
window where I could watch people walk by, or they could stare are the strange
test taking person. It wasn’t so bad. I just wish it wasn’t soooo cold. After
about 2 hours I couldn’t feel my feet or fingers anymore.
I gave in and asked
for a heater. An hour later I could feel my fingers again lol. If you’re
keeping track this is 3 hours into my taking a TEST, that was supposed to be 2
*I was given a 6 hour time limit because of my mathematical disabilities.
I had a book.
That didn’t help much
I did my best to answer the questions, and the rule is if you get stuck move on to another one that you can figure out.
I quickly ran out of questions I could answer.
I tried to figure out the answers with the TI83 calculator... that kept telling me *error* I wanted to SCREAM! I ended up doing a couple of pages written out because of this.
I still don't know if I did it right.
Some of the questions were multiple choice, and I eventually gave in and guessed. When I get stressed my math problems turn into something like this ----------------------------->
When my soul was sufficiently tortured, (5.5 hours later)
and had been visited by the death eaters twice, I dragged my empty soulless body
into the proctor’s office and relinquished the papers with now undecipherable
symbols and returned to the sunlight.
Like this, but with out the horse... or the cowboy had.. and lasso.
However my other courses were ended with A's and B's so I am content.
It is break time, and I'm going to go watch an Anime ^_^
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