Whole in my Soul
So I changed my blog name, it was spur of the moment decision (today. Just do it ;), on the advice of a good friend.
Whole in my Seoul sounds like an Aerosmith song. Oh wait!
What on Earth is that weird chick doin' now?
Well 1. I've been thinking about this for a while, and wasn't sure what name to use. I didn't want something too cheesy. Well I guess I failed there, but I DON'T CARE, It fits so 메롱
oh... you might not understand that, okay
2. Ddeokbokki Diaries, is just too difficult to try to get people to spell, or write... or remember.
It'll get shortened to double D, and I already have 2 double D's I don't need another one, thank you.
3. It's just simply how I felt when I was there.
I felt WHOLE. Like I found a place I'd been looking for, but never knew it.
Sure I got lost, I got nervous, I got scared, and I got hit on... by women, and even dealt with some 'body issues'.
Besides that, something just felt right.
There's no other way to explain it. Would I feel this way about Mexico or Antarctica... I'm thinkin' no, at least on the later.
I think we all have that pull in us (okay most of us any way) that one that makes us want something for some unknown reason. My reason is still unknown, but the place found. I'd put an X on a map but I have Google Earth so I can stalk my country of choice on a whole other level.
By the way you're out of milk.
Whole in my Seoul sounds like an Aerosmith song. Oh wait!
What on Earth is that weird chick doin' now?
Well 1. I've been thinking about this for a while, and wasn't sure what name to use. I didn't want something too cheesy. Well I guess I failed there, but I DON'T CARE, It fits so 메롱
oh... you might not understand that, okay

It'll get shortened to double D, and I already have 2 double D's I don't need another one, thank you.
3. It's just simply how I felt when I was there.
I felt WHOLE. Like I found a place I'd been looking for, but never knew it.
Sure I got lost, I got nervous, I got scared, and I got hit on... by women, and even dealt with some 'body issues'.
Besides that, something just felt right.
There's no other way to explain it. Would I feel this way about Mexico or Antarctica... I'm thinkin' no, at least on the later.
I think we all have that pull in us (okay most of us any way) that one that makes us want something for some unknown reason. My reason is still unknown, but the place found. I'd put an X on a map but I have Google Earth so I can stalk my country of choice on a whole other level.
By the way you're out of milk.
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